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  • Nano Hydroxyapatite
  • Nano Hydroxyapatite
  • Nano Hydroxyapatite
  • Nano Hydroxyapatite
Nano HydroxyapatiteNano HydroxyapatiteNano HydroxyapatiteNano Hydroxyapatite

Nano Hydroxyapatite

Mixfood Biotech is one of leading manufacturer & supplier for Nano Hydroxyapatite (Nano HAP) in China.

Nano Hydroxyapatite powder, also known as basic calcium phosphate, is the natural mineralization of calcium apatite. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is the main inorganic component of human and animal bones. It can achieve chemical bond bonding with body tissues at the interface. It has a certain solubility in the body, Repair, showing biological activity. Mixfood Biotech supply different particle size of hydroxyapatite for your different application.
Nano Hydroxyapatite can be highly used in bone replacement materials, calcium supplement, toothpaste, plastic and cosmetic surgery, dental, chromatography purification and food additives.

1. After hydroxyapatite is implanted into bone, it can induce differentiation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts because of its affinity to bone tissue. The latter directly attaches to the surface of hydroxyapatite.
2. From the chemical composition, hydroxyapatite is composed of calcium and phosphorus. These two components are the most common components of bone tissue, and the calcium salt of bone tissue is composed of crystalline apatite and amorphous phosphoric acid. The stone substitute material is not only in composition, but also structurally consistent with calcium in human bone tissue, so it can be used for artificial joints and substitute bones.
3. Clinical application range of bioceramic materials Artificial joints, alternative bones, toothpaste, food and other applications.

4. Calcium Supplements and toothpaste.





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